ESSENCE: Kobe Campbell's TikTok Therapy Sessions Are Healing People—Now The Social Media Fame Has Led To A Book Deal


“I need to say this,” Campbell begins, who is a licensed trauma therapist. “Healing is not becoming the best version of yourself. Healing is letting the worst version of yourself be loved.

So many of us have turned healing into becoming this super perfect version of ourselves. That is bondage, right? That is anxiety waiting to happen. Healing is saying, every single version of me deserves love, deserves tenderness, deserves grace. When we get to a place where we see and can empathize with every version of ourselves, even the version of ourselves that we can sometimes be ashamed of, that’s when we know we’re walking in a path of healing.”

Her spot-on, highly empathetic clips has been resonant with hundreds of thousands of people on TikTok. Incredibly, Campbell doubted whether she should share anything on the internet at all.


Cheddar TV: Understanding What Generational Trauma Is and How to Break the Cycle


Good Morning America featuring Kobe Campbell